With Enriching Students, teachers can run analysis reports. This is an optional feature, but if you are enabled to use it by your site Admin, it offers insightful reports. You are able to run staff, student, and department reports that display data about appointments being scheduled, for a specific date range. You are then able to export, download, and print these reports if you wish.
Go to 'Analysis' in the navigation. From here, you can create a variety of reports. There are six report categories to choose from: Attendance, Scheduling, Students, Courses, Block Dates and App Usage.
Here is a list of all available reports in each category, click to jump to a section of this article explaining how to use them, and what data they will provide you with:
- Appointments by Department
- Attendance by Homebase
- Attendance not Taken
- Daily Attendance
- Homebase Appointments
- Tardy Students
- Students Never Logged On
- Students Not Scheduled - Group by Graduation Year
- Students Not Scheduled - Group by Homebase
Blocked Dates
App Usage
Student Pass
Appointments by Department
This shows the number of appointments by department with a % of the overall total.
To find a count of appointments by department, first choose a single date, or a start and end date to create a date range.
Select Create Report, and a report will be generated for this date range.
In the report, you will see a list of each department, and how many appointments there were for each appointment type that was used. The last column will show the percent of the total. In the example below, in the Business department 40% of the appointments made were for Enrichment.
Attendance by Homebase
This report will show you the selected attendance records for a staffer's homebase. To start, choose your date or date range. Then, you can select one or more attendance types to get, one or All periods to filter by, and a staffer.
Select Create Report. The report that is generated will show a list of students for each date, and their respective attendance types.
Attendance Not Taken
This report allows you to find any students who have not had attendance taken during a certain period of time, for a specific staff member. Set up your date or date range, choose one or All periods, and the staffer whose records you would like to view. When you select Create Report, a report will be created that displays all of the students not scheduled for the selected staff member within that date range, listed with the date, course and period they were scheduled to.
Daily Attendance
This is a report that allows you to get the attendance records for a single staffer on a single date. Select the date, attendance types you would like to see, one or All periods, and the staffer. Select Create Report to get the attendance records. If there is an attendance comment for one of the students, you will see it listed underneath their record (see example underlined in the image below).
Homebase Appointments
This report will show you all the homebase appointments a staffer has. Set the date or date range, select a staffer, and click Create Report to see a list of that staffer's homebase appointments. For each date in the selected date range, the report will display the total number of hombase appointments for that staffer (see circled in the image below).
Tardy Students
This report is a great way to quickly find all tardy students for a selected date range. Choose the date or date range, and select a period or all periods, and select Create Report.
Scheduled By Instructor
This report will show you a list of appointments where a staffer scheduled appointments to their own courses, in other words where the scheduler and instructor are the same person.
To use this report, select a date or date range and a staff member. Click Create Report. This report will show you the date the appointment was create, the date it was scheduled for, and the student scheduled. See an example in the image below.
Staff Five-Day Schedule
This report will show you the schedule of a selected staff member for 5 days from the selected date. Choose the date and period or all periods, staff member, and click Create Report.
You will see the students scheduled to the staffer per period for each of the 5 days.
Staff One-Day Schedule
If you want a quick way to view a staffer's schedule for a single day, this is a simple report to use. Choose the date, period or all periods, and staffer. You can also choose if you want to view scheduling comments made by a staffer or the student, or attendance comments. Check the boxes if you want this data in your report.
Next, select Create Report to view all students scheduled to them for that date. The list is split up by periods, if all periods were selected.
Student Schedule By Homebase
This report will show a student's 5 day schedule by their homebase staffer. Select the date you would like the 5-day range to start from, and the staffer. Click Create Report to get a list of the staffer's homebase students and where they are scheduled for the next 5 days. The report has a section for each individual day and period.
Students Never Logged On
To get a list of students who have never logged in to their Enriching Students account, select the period or all periods, and homebase staffer you would like to get records for. Select Create Report to see the list of students who have never logged on.
Students Not Scheduled - Group by Graduation Year
For this report, select a date and a single flex period, or all periods, to get a list of students who are not scheduled for the day. When you choose Create Report, you will get this list of students, grouped by their graduation year.
Students Not Scheduled - Group by Homebase
To view unscheduled students, grouped by their homeroom, choose the date and period or periods, and the staffer whose homebase you want to view. You could also select 'All' to get a list of every unscheduled student by all homebase groups. Next, click Create Report. You will get a list of students who are not scheduled for that date and period, grouped by their homebase teacher.
Adjusted Offerings
This report lists all adjusted offerings by the selected date. Select the date or date range, and a single period or all periods. Click Create Report. Your results will look something like the image below.
All Courses
To view all courses for a single date, select the date and period or all periods. Click Create Report. This list will show you all courses for each staffer listed alphabetically by the staffer's name. You will also see the Period, Course Name, # of Appts, and the Max # of Students the course can have.
Blocked Dates
Blocked Dates by Department
Use this report if you want to get a list of all of the dates that are blocked for specific departments. Select a single date or date range, one or all departments, and one or all periods. Click Create Report to get the list. The report will have a section for each department.
Blocked Dates by Staff
This report will list all of the dates blocked for a staffer, within the date range you select. To set up the report, choose a single date or a start and end date to create a date range. Choose one or all periods, and a single staffer, or all staffers. Click Create Report. The report will show you the date the staffer was blocked on, as well as the reason. If you have selected to get results for all staffers, the report will have a section for each staff member. See the image below for an example of what the report will look like.
App Usage
Staff Capacity and Usage
This report is designed to show the number of appointments scheduled to a staffer, compared to their number of seats they have available. This helps to show the capacity of some staffers. To start, choose the date or date range you want to get results for. Next, select one or all periods, and one or all staffers. Click Create Report.
Student Groups
Use this report to look up groups assigned to a teacher. Select the name of the teacher, or choose All to get results for all staffers. Click Create Report, and you will get a list of all the groups for each staffer, with each student in the group.
These reports can be very helpful when it comes to analyzing accountability, and how your Flex program is being utilized, by staff and students.
Reports, Reporting, Absent Students, Teacher Course Offerings, analysis, attendance report, appointment report, app usage report, course report, student report, blocked dates report, students report, scheduling report, list of teacher tags, list of student groups
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