Enriching Students supports the OneRoster standard for exporting data from your Student Information System to be imported into Enriching Students.
This document describes which files are needed, the columns that are required, and which columns in those files are required to have data. You can include additional columns, but the initial columns must have headers that start with the columns as described in the standard.
As per the OneRoster standard, your files can be uploaded to your school's SFTP location as individual files, or as a single ZIP file.
Also, as per the OneRoster standard, you may provide multiple schools via a single set of OneRoster files.
The order of the fields matters, but the column headers are not case-sensitive.
The Four Required Files
1. Classes.csv
This file is used to determine the Departments (subjects in OneRoster) to create in Enriching Students. This means the subject field has to be populated.
This file is also used to create Student Groups in Enriching Students. We use the Source Id field in the Classes.csv file to look-up and determine the students that are enrolled in that class.
The sourceid column is referenced in the enrollments.csv file in the classsourceid column.
Note: The following 14 columns need to be in the file, but only the 4 bolded columns require data:
- sourcedId (required value that is linked to the classSourceId in the enrollments file)
- status
- dateLastModified
- title (required)
- grades
- courseSourcedId
- classCode
- classType
- location
- schoolSourcedId (required value that links to the sourceId in the orgs file)
- termSourcedIds
- subjects (required value that corresponds to a school department e.g., math, science, etc.)
- subjectCodes
- periods
2. Enrollments.csv
This file is used to determine how students relate to staffers.
Note: The following 10 columns need to be in the file, but only the 5 bolded columns require data:
- sourcedId (required unique value for each row)
- status
- dateLastModified (required)
- classSourcedId (required value that links to the sourceId in the classes file)
- schoolSourcedId (required value that links to the sourceId in the orgs file)
- userSourcedId (required value that links to the sourceId in the users file)
- role
- primary
- beginDate
- endDate
Note: the beginDate and endDate can be left empty. However, if the beginDate and endDate fields have valid dates, they will be used to determine if the enrollment should be created in Enriching Students. The enrollment is created when the date the import runs is between the beginDate and endDate.
How It's Used: The classes.csv file and enrollments.csv file are used together to create the student rosters in Enriching Students.
3. Orgs.csv
Note: The following 7 columns need to be in the file, but only the 2 bolded columns require data:
- sourcedId (required value that is linked to the schoolSourceId in the enrollments file)
- status
- dateLastModified
- name (required value that represents the school name, or the district name)
- type
- identifier
- parentSourcedId
How It's Used: This file can include both the name of the school district as well as the individual schools. When data for one school is provided, only one entry is required.
4. Users.csv
The sourceId field in the users.csv file is referenced in the enrollments.csv in the usersourceid column.
Note: The following 18 columns need to be in the file, but only the 8 bolded columns require data:
- sourcedId (required value that is linked to the usersSourceId in the enrollments file)
- status
- dateLastModified
- enabledUser
- orgSourcedIds (required value that links to the sourceId in the orgs file)
- role (required and must be one of the following: student, teacher, or administrator)
- username
- userIds
- givenName (required)
- familyName (required)
- middleName
- identifier (required and represents the school's user id in the SIS)
- email (required)
- sms
- phone
- agentSourcedIds
- grades (required and can be a comma separated list of all staffer's grades)
- password
How It's Used: There are three types of users in Enriching Students, admins, staff and students. If the role in the record equals "administrator", the user will be set up as an Enriching Students Admin. If the role equals "teacher" the user is set up as a non-admin staffer. Otherwise, the record is saved as a student.
Relationship Diagram
The following files are included in a typical OneRoster export, but are not required when importing data into Enriching Students:
- AcademicSessions.csv
- Courses.csv
- Demographics.csv
- Manifest.csv
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