Use the Manage Student Groups page to create and edit groups of students you want to schedule. On the Appointments page, you can choose one of your groups in the Select Group dropdown.
Read the entire article to learn all about the Manage Student Groups page, or click a link below to jump to a section:
Page Overview
Select Manage Student Groups in the navigation. On this page you will see a separate box for each of your groups and a list of the students in each group (previously called rosters).
Each box has the group name (see underlined in the image below). For each student you will see their Name (last name, first name), and Email Address. Below each student's name, you will see a description with their graduation year and SIS ID.
If you are an Admin user, you will see a dropdown at the top of the page that says Get Groups for Staffer. You will be selected by default, but you can select any staffer from this list to view their groups.
If you have many groups, you can use the Scroll To feature to easily jump to the group you're looking for. Select Scroll To in the right hand corner of the screen. Choose the group you want to scroll to. The page will jump to that specific group.
To go back to the top of the page, click the arrow icon at the top right of the student group you are viewing.
Create a Group
To create a group, go to the Manage Student Groups page and select the Create Group button at the top right of the page.
The Create Group page is split up into 3 sections.
- First, Add your Group Title. If you are an Admin user, select the staffer you want to create a group for. If you are not an Admin, you will be creating a group for yourself.
- Second, in the Add Students to Group section, check the box under Add next to the name of any students you want in your group (See circled in the image below). To narrow the list, you can type in the Filter Students by Name (see underlined in the image below).
You can also filter students by selecting the Filter button. This will give you the options to view students by the first letter of their Last Name, Graduation Year, or current Homeroom Group.
- Third, view the students you have selected in the Students in Group section. If you want to remove a student from your group, check the box next to their name under Remove (see circled in the image below).
Once you've set up your group, you can choose to make it a default group by selecting the Default box above the save buttons (see circled in the image below). A default group is the group that you will see selected when you first go to the Appointments page.
Then choose to Save & Close to go back to the Manage Student Groups page, or Save & Continue if you want to save this group and create another group.
View a Student's Groups
- You can view the groups a student is currently in and make adjustments. On the Manage Student Groups page, select Actions next to the student's name. Choose View Groups.
- A panel will pop out that will show your groups, and the groups the student is currently in. To add a student to one of your groups, check the box next to the group name (see circled in the image below). To remove a student from a group, un-check the box next to that group name. Note: You cannot remove a student from their homeroom group. If you are not an admin user, you cannot remove a student from another staffer's groups.
If you make any changes, be sure to select Save. If you don't want to make changes, select Cancel to return to the Manage Student Groups page.
Edit and Delete Groups
- To edit a group, go to the Manage Student Groups page and select Actions next to the group name, and then Edit Student Group.
- This will open up a page just like the page you used to create a group. Make edits to the group name, and add or remove students. Once you have made your changes, select Save.
- To delete a group, select Actions and then Delete Group.
- A message will pop up asking you to confirm. Select the Delete Group button to delete this group. If you don't want to delete, select the 'X' at the top right corner of the screen.
Keywords: create rosters, create tags, manage rosters, tagging students, create and manage groups
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