As an Enriching Students user with a substitute account, you will be able to schedule students that are assigned to the teacher you are substituting for on the Appointments page. The Appointments page by default will show you a 5-day calendar view of students in the staffer's Homeroom/Homebase/Advisory group. This article will give you an overview of the features on this page. If you like, click the links below to jump to a specific section:
- Change the Date
- Filtering Options
- Page View Options
- Appointment-Related Pages and Options
- Options for Creating Appointments
- Scheduled vs. Unscheduled Appointments
- What the Icons Mean
To learn about how to schedule go to:
- Substitutes: How to Quick Schedule & Schedule Groups
- Substitutes: How to Schedule Using Advanced Appointments
Change the Date
Use the arrows to the left or right of the calendar view to move forwards or backwards one day, or a week (these icons are underlined in green in the image below). Use the calendar icon to select a specific date (this icon is circled below).
Filtering Options
You have 3 filtering options on this page. If your school has more than one flex period, use the Select Period dropdown to choose the one you want.
To find a specific group of students, use the Select Group dropdown.
To find a student, type at least 1 letters the student's name in the Search by Name field. Click the search icon or click Enter on your keyboard to search. Note: When using this option, you will only be able to find students assigned to the teacher you are subbing for.
Page View Options
Click the gear icon at the top right of the page to see additional page view options.
By default each of this options will be 'off'. To turn one of them on, click the toggle and you will see it go from grey to blue (see an example circled in the image below).
Toggle View minimizes the calendar, removing the Instructor/Room, Scheduler, and Appointment Type details from scheduled appointments. This can be a helpful way to save space if you have a lot of students to view at once.
Hide Search by Name will hide the search field, and Hide Selected Staffer will hide the Select Staffer dropdown.
You can also choose to view more than 5 days at a time. The Number of Days dropdown gives you the option to view 5-9 days at a time if you would like.
Any options that you choose will be saved, but can be easily undone by switching them back off again. Keep in mind that if you clear your browser cache, these selections will be set back to the default.
Options for Creating Appointments
To create an appointment for a single student, select the green Create Appointment button on the date you want to schedule them.
This button gives you a few different scheduling options. We will discuss these options in a separate article. Learn how to Quick Schedule, and use the Advanced Appointments page.
To create appointments for a group of students, select the Group Actions button. This will give you the option to schedule these students to the staffer's subject matter course. If there are students you are viewing that you don't want to include, uncheck the 'Include Student' checkbox next to their name.
To remove appointments for group, select the Clear Appointments option.
Scheduled vs. Unscheduled Appointments
For each student in your staffer's group, you will see the day of the week, the date, and your school's 'day type' if you have one. Some schools choose to set up 'A' days or 'B' days, or days that are color-coded. If the student is not currently scheduled, you will see 'Open Schedule' and then the Create Appointments button.
If the staffer on the date you are looking at, you will see the blocked date reason. You will still see a Create Appointments button. You will not be able to schedule the student to the staffer, but you will be able to schedule them to another staffer who isn't blocked. If the date is blocked for the school, for example because of a school vacation, you will see the blocked date reason, and no Create Appointments button.
If the student is currently scheduled, in addition to seeing details about the day and day type, you will see the Instructor/Room. The instructor is the staffer who is teaching the course, and their name is shown with their room number. The Scheduler is the person who made the appointment, and the Appointment Type describes what the appointment is for. You will also see an Actions button instead of a Create Appointments button.
When you select the Actions button, you will have the options to reschedule the student, and delete the appointment.
What the Icons Mean
On a student's schedule on the Appointments page, there are a few different icons you will see. When a student has been scheduled, you may see:
The Comment icon. This looks like a speech bubble (circled in the image).
If you click it, you will see the scheduler comment.
The Locked Appointment icon simply looks like a lock (underlined in the first image). This means that whoever made the appointment 'locked' it, so that another user can't overwrite the appointment. Clicking on this lock icon will show you text that says 'This Appointment is locked'. To delete a locked appointment you either need to be a site Admin user, or the person who created the appointment.
The Request icon shows up when the student you are looking at has requested an appointment for that date and time. See an example of this icon circled in the image below. When clicked, it will show which staffer or staffers the student requested to see, and will allow you to schedule them to that staffer.
In addition, next to each students name you will see a mail icon (see circled in the image below). Click this icon to email an individual student their 5-day schedule. The email will send their schedule 5 days from whichever date you are currently viewing first.
Each student's name is a link that will take you to their Student Profile (see underlined in the image above).
That's an overview of how to navigate the Appointments page. Next, check out how to create appointments and more by viewing these articles:
- Substitutes: How to Quick Schedule & Schedule Groups
- Substitutes: How to Schedule Using Advanced Appointments
Keywords: appointments page overview, email students, send students 5 day schedule, where to create appointments, why is this appointment locked, what is a locked appointment,
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