To import absent student data into Enriching Students, you need to create or export an absent student file from your SIS. The name of the file needs to be: attendance.csv.
You will then need to share the file with Enriching Students on a daily basis via SFTP.
The file will contain two columns. The first column is a list of the student IDs for students who are absent on the current day. The second column is the date the student was absent. Most of the time, the second column will simply be the current date. But providing the date value means if the file gets to us late, the correct appointments will be marked as absent.
The file would look something like the image below. Importing this file would mark the appointments for those students as absent in Enriching Students. The appointments have to exist when the file is imported. The process doesn't mark students as being absent, it marks their appointment as being absent. If there are no appointment, there's nothing for us to mark.
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