To manage hall pass settings for individual students or student groups, go to Configuration > Hall Pass > Pass Management.
Here you can see any pass settings you currently have in place. To create a new one select the Add Pass List button.
On this page, first type a name for this list in the Description field, to make it easy for you to identify. For example, you could type Three Pass Limit. Next, type the Max Number of Passes Per Day for the list of students you are going to select.
In the list, find the students you want in the list and add them by selecting the checkbox next to their name. As you select students they will be added to the Students in List column. This is the list of students that the Max Number of Passes Per Day will apply to.
Click Save to apply the rule to this list of students. You will now see this list saved on the Pass Management page under the name you added.
Edit or Delete List
On the Pass Management page, you can edit or delete an existing pass list. Select Actions next to the pass list name, and select Edit to adjust the student list, change the description, or the max number of passes per day. Or, to permanently remove this list, select Delete and confirm.
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