As an admin user, you can manage many aspects of the hall pass from the Admin > Configuration page. Under Student Pass you will see the following options:
- Manage Locations
- Pass Management
- Pass Settings
- Student Restrictions
Manage Locations
On this page, you can manage the destinations a student or teachers selects when creating a pass. This page will list all of the locations that have been set up.
Select the Actions button next to a location to Delete or Edit the location information.
Learn how to add a new location here.
Pass Management
Select Pass Management, and you will see a page where you can view and create rules for how many passes can be out per day at your school, for a select student or group of students. On this page, view the current lists you have created, and select Actions next to a record to edit it, or delete it.
Click here to learn how to create or edit a pass list to limit passes for students.
Pass Settings
Here you can put a stop on creating and accepting all passes by checking this box and saving the page. This can be useful for things like fire drills, or an emergency situation.
Student Restrictions
When you click this section, you will be able to view groups of students that are restricted from having a pass out to the same location at the same time.
To use this page, select a student from the dropdown list, or type in the label to find them. Once you've made your selection, this will pull up a list of any students that the selected student has restrictions with.
To edit this group, you can select Actions next to a student's name, and Delete them from the restriction. if needed. You can also choose Add Comment for a student, which will let other staffers know why they are restricted from having a hall pass out with the other students in the group.
To create a new restriction, or add more students to the current group, view the Add Student Restrictions help article.
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