The January 2024 update will be released on Saturday, January 13, 2024. The update contains items to help improve the performance of the site.
Additionally, this release contains the following updates:
Attendance Report
Fixed a bug that caused the report to not be alphabetized.
Manage School Periods
Fixed a bug that prevented a user from editing a period that was marked as inactive.
Manage Student Groups
When a staffer has many student groups, it can be difficult to find a specific group on the Manage Student Groups page. A feature has been added that will allow a user to select a group from a list and then be brought right to that Student Group.
Staff One Day Analysis
We recently added comments to display on the staff one day report. Some schools asked to have the ability to determine if the comments should appear when the report is run. This feature has been added.
Students Page
Fixed a bug that allowed non-admins to edit a student's email address.
Student Profile Page
Adjustments have been made to the pie charts to ensure the percentages are displayed correctly.
Student Scheduling
Fixed a bug that allowed a student to self schedule into an Adjusted Offering that was blocked for the student's graduation year.
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